Scrawny To Brawny

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Team Members

Dr. John Berardi

Dr. John Berardi has coached Olympic gold medalists, UFC champions, pro athletes, and guys from across the world. He serves as a nutrition and performance consultant for Nike.

Nate Green

Nate Green

Nate Green is the program director for Scrawny To Brawny. He’s the author of Built for Show, The Hero Handbook and has written over 100 articles for major fitness magazines.

Craig Weller

Craig Weller spent 6 years in Naval Special Warfare and 2 years in private security in remote areas where he helped hundreds of guys and military personnel from around the world build muscle and strength.

Calvin Buhler

Calvin Buhler is a former NCAA All-American wrestler and a former S2B client who gained 40 pounds of muscle and became the 2011 Grand Prize winner.