Help Us Pick Our May 2012 Finalists ($20,000 On The Line)
These 21 guys spent the last year getting in the best shape of their lives in the S2B coaching program. Now they have a shot at winning serious cash. Will you help us pick the winners?
A cool feature of our S2B Coaching Program is the muscle-building contest we run for clients. With each new program we offer $20,000 in prize money — $10,000 for the best transformation and ten $1,000 prizes for the next ten runner-ups.
Our latest program is wrapping up, which means we’ve spent hours going over physique photos, weight gain numbers, body composition data, and participation records in order to choose a handful of potential finalists.
We need your help.
So at this point, we need your help in determining the 11 guys who should make the final cut and win some money. You can vote for just one guy or put together a list of the 11 you think we should include. Either way is cool.
Remember, the people below aren’t professional bodybuilders or fitness models. They’re just regular guys who added the right workout, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies to their lives one step at a time. (If you want to do the same, I suggest you put your name on the exclusive presale list as our next coaching program kicks off in November.)
One more thing: This isn’t like one of those reality TV shows where the person who gets the most votes wins. Since we have no way of controlling how many times people vote, it’d be chaos if we ran it that way. Instead, think of this as you helping us make the final cut. We’ll reveal the final list and the $10,000 Grand Prize winner on Wednesday May 1st.)
We’re super-proud of all these guys. I think you’ll see why.
Potential Finalist: Aaron
- Name: Aaron
- Weight Gained: 25lbs
- Starting Weight: 195lbs
- Max Weight: 220lbs

gained 25lbs.
Potential Finalist: Jean-Charles
- Name: Jean-Charles
- Weight Gained: 36lbs
- Starting Weight: 175lbs
- Max Weight: 211lbs

gained 36lbs.
Potential Finalist: Mark
- Name: Mark
- Weight Gained: 33lbs
- Starting Weight: 148lbs
- Max Weight: 181lbs

gained 33lbs.
Potential Finalist: Simon
- Name: Simon
- Weight Gained: 25lbs
- Starting Weight: 212lbs
- Max Weight: 237lbs

gained 25lbs.
Potential Finalist: Rishi
- Name: Rishi
- Weight Gained: 22lbs
- Starting Weight: 142lbs
- Max Weight: 164lbs

gained 22lbs.
Potential Finalist: Brad
- Name: Brad
- Weight Gained: 29lbs
- Starting Weight: 161lbs
- Max Weight: 190lbs

gained 29lbs.
Potential Finalist: Paul
- Name: Paul
- Weight Gained: 22lbs
- Starting Weight: 158lbs
- Max Weight: 180lbs

gained 22lbs.
Potential Finalist: Jason
- Name: Jason
- Weight Gained: 28lbs
- Starting Weight: 159lbs
- Max Weight: 187lbs

gained 28lbs.
Potential Finalist: Andrew
- Name: Andrew
- Weight Gained: 13lbs
- Starting Weight: 147lbs
- Max Weight: 160lbs

gained 13lbs.
Potential Finalist: Peter
- Name: Peter
- Weight Gained: 16lbs
- Starting Weight: 151lbs
- Max Weight: 167lbs

gained 16lbs.
Potential Finalist: James
- Name: James
- Weight Gained: 25lbs
- Starting Weight: 133lbs
- Max Weight: 158lbs

gained 25lbs.
Potential Finalist: Richard
- Name: Richard
- Weight Gained: 21lbs
- Starting Weight: 164lbs
- Max Weight: 185lbs

gained 21lbs.
Potential Finalist: Terry
- Name: Terry
- Weight Gained: 37lbs
- Starting Weight: 138lbs
- Max Weight: 175lbs

gained 37lbs.
Potential Finalist: Scott
- Name: Scott
- Weight Gained: 22lbs
- Starting Weight: 152lbs
- Max Weight: 174lbs

gained 22lbs.
Potential Finalist: Don
- Name: Don
- Weight Gained: 33lbs
- Starting Weight: 193lbs
- Max Weight: 226lbs

gained 33lbs.
Potential Finalist: Artie
- Name: Artie
- Weight Gained: 30lbs
- Starting Weight: 147lbs
- Max Weight: 177lbs

gained 30lbs.
Potential Finalist: Brian
- Name: Brian
- Weight Gained: 22lbs
- Starting Weight: 133lbs
- Max Weight: 155lbs

gained 22lbs.
Potential Finalist: Chris
- Name: Chris
- Weight Gained: 28lbs
- Starting Weight: 163lbs
- Max Weight: 191lbs

gained 28lbs.
Potential Finalist: Josh
- Name: Josh
- Weight Gained: 22lbs
- Starting Weight: 164lbs
- Max Weight: 186lbs

gained 22lbs.
Potential Finalist: Martin
- Name: Martin
- Weight Gained: 25lbs
- Starting Weight: 176lbs
- Max Weight: 201lbs

gained 25lbs.
Potential Finalist: Nick
- Name: Nick
- Weight Gained: 28lbs
- Starting Weight: 222lbs
- Max Weight: 250lbs

gained 28lbs.
We have all kinds of guys join the S2B program — from complete beginners to guys who just need to get back in shape — and your votes should reflect who you think created the most dramatic changes over the course of the last 12 months.
Cool? Cool.
And thanks for helping.
The S2B Team Is Hard at work
The S2B Coaching Program is currently closed as the team is in the middle of an intense research sabbatical. Click the link below to be notified when our next big project goes live.
395 Responses to Help Us Pick Our May 2012 Finalists ($20,000 On The Line)
Well – I guess it’s a good thing they show me as only gaining 27 pounds instead of the 33 I actually gained. isn’t it??
Fixed. Sorry about that.
Wow – thanks Nate. Don’t matter – I look awesome!! lolz.
(I’m lying – it totally matters)
I change my vote to Don, the man should be using a walker at this point in life, and look what he was able to accomplish… (kidding Donnie boy)
lol – where’s the “like” button??
Thanks Mark!!! :)
I vote for Mark!!
I vote for Mark
I vote for Mark.
I vote for Mark! He has been passionate about health/nutrition/fitness since he was a kid! Way to go Mark, you look Awesome! Thank you for being an encouragement and inspiration in helping others in their journey to a healthier lifestyle ;)
This is me voting for MARK!!! :-)
I vote for Mark!
I vote for Brad
James looks like he went from scrawny to brawny.
DON! No Question.
I have to give my vote to Simon – he’s not the biggest guy on the page, but clearly he made massive changes in his overall composition in addition to simply adding impressive muscle. Great job on the legs, buddy!
But overall – wow – what an amazing series of transformations! The “average gains” are impressive given the relatively short term of the program.
whatever don, I voted for you.
Thanks Don, I appreciate it! – you beat me to the vote; it may seem contrived now but I easily give my vote to you. I agree there has been incredible changes in this cohort across the board, it is really cool seeing everyone´s before and afters! For me you not only have made massive physical changes but have been one of the leading voices throughout the year…more than once giving a well-needed perk up, thoughtful reflections and handy info/helping hand to the group. cheers man!
I vote for Aaron!
i would vote for Mark
James – lived up to the name of the program to its fullest.
Completely agree
I vote for Brad
I vote for Brian
Changing my one vote to a three way – James, Mark and Simon. :) But awesome job everyone, can’t wait to do this one next year.
3 way, giggity
Ha ha Mark, right on :)
Go James!!
I vote for James. Physically it loo,s like he got the most out of th program. Congratulations James! And everyone else too.
Simon’s transformation is impressive, but I think Don’s brawn is more inspiring because he is a bit older than the other competitors. The change in his body proportions is unbelievable!
HAHA!!!! I’m charging into 50 like a bull!!!
Thanks for the kind words.
Thanks Brenda :) I agree re: Don – he has been an inspiration during the year and has achieved a gigantic change!!!
I vote for Aaron and Brad!
Simon! Artie, James, Brad
Thanks Mike, appreciate the vote :)
I vote for Don! Holy Cow!! Great Job!
Mark. He still eats too much pizza, but he’s become a beefcake.
check my ice cream pic from last night NOMS
Mark and I were on the “Pizza & Ice Cream” weekends plan – it pays off!
definitely my vote is for JAMES…wtg, looking good James :)
I think James had the most dramatic transformation. The other 10 I would include are: Jean-Charles, Mark, Simon, Brad, Peter, Terry, Don, Artie, Chris, Josh. They all look awesome, though! I think it’s tough to choose!
Thanks Kari- to have a total stranger (who is now awesome in my book!) include me in a top 11 made my day! Totally blown away… and so freakin’ awesome!!!
Gotta be Artie. The rest of the guys look great but had pretty good physiques to start out with.
Hooray for Brian. Starting out smaller = bigger challenge.
Brian, has my vote dramatic change!
I vote For Don !
Wow, I’m voting for Don!
Paul #winning
I vote for Don. I like Brian and Mark too, and so many others.
p.s. anybody reading these – you can see my two year transformation because they left up last year’s – on the right! :)
lol – that’s awesome!
Thanks, Rishi. Nice to get the thumbs-up from someone already in the process.
Really was impressed – I can tell you followed the s2b protocol – you have that “look” of having done the program right.
Thanks, RIshi. I had high-90s compliance across the board. You’ll get a better idea of that “look” if you scroll down on my blog which has more AFTER shots, including my favourite which is the Front Flexed.
Brian, I read all your blog. a pound of meat per meal ?! A real beast!
Brian all the way!
Thanks, Steve!
I’ve been blogging about the Scrawny to Brawny process for the past year.
Here’s the complete set of AFTER shots.
Brad! He is so very Brawny now. And Brawny Bradley has a nice ring to it. #beefcake #youwillneverlivedownwearingthosemanpanties #siblinglove
Jean-Charles. We’ve got some work to do in the November group to live up to these fellas.
I vote for Don Vanco!
I vote for Richard all the way!
Man oh man what a ridiculous group to choose from. Everyone here deserves to win they did an amazing job. I would have to say Aaron, Simon and Don are my top 3. Not only are their gains great but there actual body composition change is ridiculous.
Aaron got absolutely shredded for his photo. Super impressive.
Once again good work everyone!-
Thanks Ethan! Totally agree, so many impressive changes…I am humbled to be apart of the potential finalist group.
also kudos to andrew and peter who put on less weight put really put it on well. (They both probably dieted down).
and guys like scott, who were already in great shape and just made it a lot better. Andrew made a front relaxed pose look killer.
I gotta go with Richard, you can tell this guy is pure muscle.
Martin all the way!!
thanks a lot Toby! much appreciate your support :)
It’s got to be Don Vanco for me! Vote Vanco!!!
I get the vote from across the pond!!! lol – thanks Sebastian!!
Obviously won’t vote for myself, so I pick Simon (1) and James (2) cos they’ve a similar scrawny frame to me and have had great transformations.
Thanks Brian!!! My top three are Don, Mark and you – mostly because of the combination of physique, mindset and voice in the forums (i.e. brawny leadership) throughout the year…there have been some seriously impressive changes!!
Cheers, Simon!
I vote for James awesome job
Amazing results, guys! 20+ and sometimes even 30+ pounds gained in a year?! Wild. And a lot of you guys were already pretty buff to begin with, making that even more impressive.
Would have been cool to see more consistent side-by-sides. Most of them look dramatic enough that even photographed consistently the changes would have been great. It’s HARDER to get an idea of the impressiveness of the transformations with so many factors changing between the photos!
It says “max” weight. Is that the weight we’re seeing in the after shot?
As for the winner, I say Chris. He seems to have gone from average to buff, which is a huge change in the first impression he’s giving off. Really cool, and really inspiring change :)
We do “prep” for photos for 4 to 6 weeks depending on what type of gainer we are, but the max weight is, as it says, our max. Where folks are in the pics depends on many factors – for me, I trimmed significantly.
The difference in the photos is because we’re all a little more “seasoned at posing” by the end, but they’re still fairly “side by side”.
And thanks for the kind words. You can be sure every one of these guys worked their tails off.
Shane, thanks for the compliment! I’m just glad to be part of an awesome group and the opportunity as a finalist! After going through this program, and getting to know the other guys and their stories, background, etc., it makes seeing these before/afters that much better. As for me, I just hope I can live up to continuing my journey by serving others like my friends and my two sons with what I’ve learned.
Very tough choice. I vote Simon.
Thanks Jeremy!!! I agree, the judges have a tough choice to make…all the guys here are deserving!
Richard all the way! He has had an amazing transformation. You can see that he is just pure muscle now.
Don Vanco! Don all the way! :D
I vote for Don!!!!
Peter gets my vote.
I vote for Aaron and Brad
I vote for Don Vanco to win.
w00t! another vote from across the pond – thanks Lisa!!!
Finalists, coaches, and other alumni – please consider joining us on Facebook! Please let other alums know of the group.
I vote for Don! Also like Rishi and Jean-Charles —
Leaving my vote for Don!
Thanks hon – I’ll be your poolboy any time!
In no particular order, Peter, James and Terry. Seriously though, well done to everyone. Serious progress!
Wow! Just wow!
There are some great transformations here. I feel honoured you’ve included me in a top 3!
Thank you Shane
I vote for Brian!
Thanks, much appreciated :)!!!
I vote for Mark Shields, his transformation is amazing!,
I vote for Mark!!
I vote for Paul :)
Nick and Martin did well but Paul is the man! My vote is definitly for Paul!!
thanks a lot for the the support!
i vote for mark
Vote for Josh – Great effort by all participants
Wowie Mark looks like a hunk and vavavoom body!
I vote for Paul.
I vote for Paul.
I vote for Brian. True definition of the spirit of S2B!
Brian! Being the skinnest to start with, he’s dramatically changed. Looks awesome!
Much appreciated, Dean!
I vote for Don!
Thanks David!
vote for Richard
My 11 (excluding myself of course) are, in order listed above:
JC (Jean Charles)
BradI would like to see JC take it all! Big gains proportionately upper and lower body.
I vote for PAUL!!!
I vote for Richard
I vote Paul!! I have witnessed his dedication and hard work throughout this whole transformation. Not only was he himself motivated but he also motivated others to keep going or at least start getting healthy. He deserves this hands down! Go Paul!!!
My 11 would be (in no particular order): Aaron, Jean-Charles, Simon, Brad, Jason, James, Chris, Scott, Martin, Mark, and Paul
hi Sarah, thank you very much for your kind words. Much appreciated. :)
vote for Richard
James has my vote.
Congrats to ALL the potential finalist. What heck of a ride its been! We all killed it this year and have a A LOT to be proud of. My vote goes to Paul, great work man!
My vote goes to Richard
I vote for Chris!!! What a transformation!!! Not much muscle tone before getting started like the others.
I vote for Paul!
My votes for Richard! Impressive work.
I vote for Richard!
I vote for paul, bigest cat in the competition by far!
James is my favorite. His transformation was awesome. Way to go James!
My vote goes to Paul!
I am so impressed with James’ definition. He looks so good now. That makes him my first choice.
and my vote goes to… Paul!
I vote for PAUL!
Hey man, Kari is right – James made the most dramatic transformation. He gets my vote.
I vote richard
I vote for Richard!
I vote for Richard!! Way to go! Good luck!
Don gets my vote!
Thank you – anonymous stranger on the internet who couldn’t possibly be my nephew!
I meant to say my FAVORITE nephew…..
Those results are nothing short of amazing. Fantastic job everyone. My vote goes to Don
james for the win!!
its about time! I vote for james!!
I vote for james!!!
James deserves the win more than anyone by far!
I vote for Mark!!!! go Mark!!!!!
I vote for james
I vote for Paul!!
Gotta go with Simon. Did you see those quads????
Thanks Candace :)
Mark, Peter, or James.
Mark, Rishi, Richard, Nick
I vote for RICHARD! winner right here.
My vote is for josh
I would have to pick Aaron as the winner! Great job everyone.
josh – excellent transformation!
Richard for sure!
Definitely Mark Shields for the most drastic change!
I knew it – he used to be a woman, didn’t he?
Josh I knew you could do it! (Kate)
I pick Don with the smokin hot Bod!
simon it is.
whoop, cheers :)
paul letourneau :)
You are the man – Josh
My vote is for Richard
Mark shields 100%sure he will win !!
Josh – I can’t believe all the hard work and efforts that went into your transformation – congratulations!! (Laura).
I vote for Paul!
I vote for Paul. Great Transformation!
I vote for Brad! I’m at about the same starting weight, and would love to get up to 190… that gives me so much hope! Congrats to everyone!
I am voting for Richard for sure!
Richard for the win
Richard, definitely!
I vote for Richard! Those legs and biceps are a huge change!
Gotta go with richarddd
I’d like to vote the shit out of Don Vanco. Nice gains buddy.
My vote goes to Richard!!
I vote either Brad or Simon but Simon’s legs look amazing compared to before, so I would have to go with Simon.
You all did great but 2 Votes for RISHI. One from me and one from. my wife
If votes work like that, then my two cats also vote for james. :P
I would pick Josh as the grand prize winner and the others: Martin, Richard, Paul, Rishi, Mark, Chris, James, Peter, Artie and Don
Hi Ryan, thank you for your support! much appreciated. :)
Rishi is my vote. Mark is a distant second
I got a vote? You must have looked at the pictures to the right (I
competed last year…). Thanks for making my day! Turned 41 yesterday!-
wow, you don’t look 41
If I dyed my hair black, I could really surprise people, haha. Unlike Don, who is 29 but dyed his hair gray to fool everybody and win.
lol – I sure don’t FEEL 29…..
Holy cow dude – you’re 41?? I would not have put you past early 30’s. You are aging exceptionally well. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it!
And kudos on an awesome job in the program – your final pics look phenomenal.
I vote for Richard!
I vote for Richard!! Crazy transformation
All the Gentlemen are winners for completing a full year of changing their lives . I pick Jean-Charles for the top prize .
tie between Mark, Simon and Don. Screw it. I pick Don. He looks a little older but that only makes the accomplishment more impressive.
I don’t know you but I think I love you ;)
don confirmed for old
James for sure!! Such a dramatic change!
I vote for Mark. Best overall improvement…
woohooo definitely voting for Richard!!
Peter is my favourite – awesome definition.
Awesome job to everyone but Don, you da man!!! Great job, you get my vote!
Go Andrew! Lean and muscular, brilliant pose as well.
My vote is for Andrew. He looks lean and muscular. Awesome lats!
Simon has made a brilliant transformation, just look at those wheels. I do think I have to vote for Don though as it is surely much more difficult and certainly more impressive to change your body like that at that age
Thanks Erik :)!!! …Don you’re killin me here haha :)
don’t worry Don is killin himself too….
I can’t help it if I have a legion of anonymous fans – don’t be jelly, brah.
lol – thanks…. I think
Lol indeed. I’m only four years behind Don. And yeah, it was hella difficult.
If age has any weightage Don is the clear winner. Otherwise he is probably in the top three. Terry has max inrease in weight as body percentage. Aaron is the most shredded followed by Peter, Scott and Don.
I have the power of my shiny, new AARP card!!
lolz – thanks Neeraj! All these guys have done amazing things, and I owe a lot of my progress to their participation as well. We’re a band of brawny brothers.
Thanks for pointing that out Neeraj!
I’d like to echo Don; there are some amazing transformations and I certainly owe a lot of my achievements to others as well
That was 26% gain. You basically added a quarter of yourself to yourself. Thats insane. But then everybody here is insane.
Terry, you gotta post your lat spread from the back. Should be awesome.
Aaron & Peter for me
My votes for James
I Think Richard looks amazing! Dramatic difference, great tone. They all look amazing though.
i vote for Chris
Some of these guys don’t look too scrawny to begin with….
This is true, but “scrawny” can be as much a state of mind as it is a physical manifestation. I myself found that my largest obstacle in the program was what was in my head, not what was on the weight rack.
All these guys have worked at improving themselves mentally as hard as they’ve worked improving physically. The program is as much about being a better man as it is about being a bigger man.
I VOTE FOR RICHARD, dudes a monster
1. Aaron
2. Brad -
My vote is for Aaron.
I vote Aaron.
All the guys did a great job but Don has the best overall transformation
Proud of all these guys. Especially CHRIS!!
I vote for Mark.
I Vote for Aaron! Has the best overall gains and leanest body.
Although all of these transformations are impressive, I think that it is important to remember that this program is “Scrawny 2 Brawny”. It is not “medium build or bulky to huge”…The purpose is to to “train skinny guys” and give them the tools to build muscle.
For the reason above, I feel the best representation of this program is shown through the dedication and efforts of:
1. James
2. Peter
3. Artie
4. Andrew
5. MarkWay to go gentlemen!
Hats off to all competitors, sterling job. I think Artie, James, Peter and Jean-Charles have to be commended as you can tell from their before photos that they had to work extremely hard to make those gains. My over all vote would have to go to Brian, is commitment to the program was unbelievable, despite the many challenges he faced. His transformation was inspiring to watch and he stayed focused and positive throughout.
Maith on fear!
Thanks, Mark! See you in the gym. lol
Richard gets my vote!
My top 3 would be Scott, Don, & Richard. Very impressive to everyone though. Excited to join the May ’13 group and see what I can do in 12 months!
Right on! You’re gonna love it – all you gotta do is what they tell ya!
how come no on gained fat while doing S2B? S2B makes you eat a lot of calories right?
Oh, I can’t speak for everyone, but I gained fat. S2B incorporates an optional leaning out phase… I thought about staying heavier, but opted to lean out.
and yes, lots of food…
NOM NOM NOM – who’s ready for eggs???
Mark, so is it like, out of 12 months s2b, 6 months overeating and 6 months leaning out? who decides that? coach suggests or the client?
pics were taken almost a month ago… IIRC, I did 10 weeks of leaning out… the client ultimately decides it, I asked my coach his thoughts and went from there.
I started at about 10% bf, ate my way to 16.5%, then (in 6 weeks) went back down to 10.53% BF. It’s all part of the program.
And it is all dependent on how aggressive you want to be in the program, and a lot is dependent on what “type” of gainer you are – we’re all different. I’m a more efficient machine at 49 than I was at 33 – but I am still prone to get fat – I’m an “easy gainer”.
Some of the guys had visible abs the entire program – and I hate them ;)
My vote goes to Richard!!
Not sure how this contest was supposed to work but most of these guys already had some serious muscle tone. Sure they all got more ripped but they guy that put on the most muscle from nothing is CHRIS. This guy went from nothing to a lot. Not a lot to a lot more. CHRIS is the clear winner. Now having said that and to not offend anyone I know it takes serious dedication and discipline to achieve what they all have achieved. I commend them all but CHRIS really went from nothing to built
I vote for DON!!!
I vote for Richard!
Holy crap, I vote Don, he’s a freaking beast!
Thanks! But I’m a really nice guy ;)
Brian seemed to gain the greatest percentage of body weight, he gets my vote.
Thanks, Dizzle. Had to work my ass off for a sub-140lb hardgainer.
A lot of the finalists started the contest weighing a decent amount. Because the contest is scrawny to brawny I think its important to look at the weight going in. James entered the contest at a measly 133lbs. Artie weighed 147lbs. They both gained a lot of muscle (difficult to do when they were previously skin and bones) I hope one of those two win.
hey, I started 148, just sayin :D
“Scrawny” is as much a state of mind as it is a physical state. 2 years ago I was a fat blob – I did as much mental/emotional legwork in the program as I did actual legwork. I’m nearly 6’4″ tall – I’m never going to weigh 150 again (and be healthy)
Of course, the photos here are meant to show the physical transformations we achieved – but the program is about much more than what changes on the outside.
As the same starting weight as James, I agree.
But Don also has a point below in that all of us guys growing mentally brawny is a big aspect of the program as well, and one which these photos understandably can’t reflect.
I vote for Mark… look at the definition in his arms before and after. All of them are impressive, but as far as the whole package, he changed the most.
My vote is for Rishi!
Hey, check out Rishi!
He’s my pick: athletic and chiseled! -
What amazing results all you gentlemen achieved – you are to be congratulated for your dedication to the competition and to improving yourselves. Well done, you are all winners!
However since only one of you can win the top prize, it’s clear that prize should go to Aaron.
Martin! If you look closely and past the different pose you’ll see he has done the best job!
much appreciate Artur!! Yes the different pose make it more difficult to see the transformation….I’d say my front before and after was more dramatic…but hey I’m not in charge to call the shots which pictures are chosen….once again thanks a lot Artur
I vote for James to win. His transformation is the most dramatic and impressive!
I will vote for Rishi. He looks much bulkier and remains symmetric.
Incredible transformations all around guys! My deepest respect to all of you. I do believe though, that it looks like Mark or James had the most significant physical
transformation, and wow, that is some serious gains from a relative low weight class :D -
Great transformations all round – my top 3 = Aaron, brad and Paul
I vote for Paul !
I vote for Brian. I’ve followed his progress and his blog and know how much hard work he has put into the program. This has been something Brian has wanted to do for years and it’s incredible to see his hard work pay off. He’s a real success story.
Thanks, Deb.
All these guys have huge heart–and especially: Martin, Aaron, Simon, Jean Charles, Mark, Brad, Don, Artie, Richard and James. Respect!
I couldn’t have done it without you. With love, Martin
Voting again for Mark!
I vote for Mark, Simon, Brad, and Jason. Good job, guys!
I vote for Brian, because I’ve heard him talk about this for years. Lots of people talk about change, and it’s amazing to see how he has committed to it.
I vote Don.. very impressive!
Vote for Mark!
Thank you, colorfully named internet stranger!
Don Vanco rocks!! Awesome job!
Why, if I knew you, I’d buy you a lovely Christmas present!
The last name is a coincidence folks – it’s VERY common.
Voter for Vanco! Cause he’s a sexy mother shut your mouth!!!
lol – she means “Don”.
Thanks Bridg!
my votes for brian. a pretty incredible transformation
I have to vote for Don. There are a clear handful of standouts, but I cannot imagine, at his age, now much harder he had to work to gain that chiseling. Super impressive.
Don for sure, no telling how much longer the old geezer has left :-)
this is true, maybe a dying man’s last wish
And you guys are helping my cause???
Don for sure
I vote for Josh!!! WOW-great job!!!
I vote for Josh!!! Great Job!!!!!
My vote is for Richard. Not only for his great transformation, but for the bravery it took to wear that man-thong.
lol – oh the debates we had on-line regarding the posing gear
Don! He has really worked his butt off! Literally! You are looking great Don!
Great transformations by everyone! My vote is for Terry though. 37lbs of lean muscle, impressive!
Yes Joe I totally agree with you. I think Terry should win. He gained the most!!!! TERRY TO WIN
Thanks bro!
I vote for Richard C. What a tank!
Don is my vote!
My vote is for Don. I’ve followed his progress on Facebook where his commitment to his training and overall health is quite evident. In addition, he is happy to offer help and advice to those of us who would also like to fight old age with every weapon in the arsenal.
Thanks Amber!!
Richard gets my vote!!!!
I vote for Richard!
The Kings say Way to go James – huge improvement – this should count as 6 votes for you cuz we are a large household and we all had to agree on one contestant
thank you Brindusa! much appreciate your kind words :)
Martin is the best!
Sweet! Thanks a lot Tatiana
I vote for Martin! Really good shape!
thanks a lot, much appreciate it :)
Two of my family members voted last night and their vote isn’t showing?????
…change your “Sort Order” (at the top of the comments) to “Newest”. This forum “ranks” comments…..
But the votes are here ;)
RICHARD FOR SURE! not only did he put on mass, it looks like he lost some body fat as well. not an easy task
I vote for Brian!!
James, exactly what this program represents.
Vote for Don Vanco
…who is in no way related to me!
I vote for Brian. I saw him struggle for years to get results on his own to no avail. The transformation is incredible.
Thanks for your support, Mike.
Brian is the one with my vote! A lot harder to pack muscle on a lithe frame like his, ain’t it?
Thanks, Dan.
Brian gets my vote. Awesome job!
Cheers, Becky.
I vote for Brian M. I knew him at scrawny and he is downright brawny!
So I guess I musta been Boney M before that… lol. I know Don Vanco and Rishi will appreciate that joke. Thanks, Holly.
I vote for JOSH. He is the one that changed the most.
Brian and I have commiserated over being skinny for fifteen years. I’m so proud of him for actually doing something about it. I know how much work this has been for him so he gets my vote a hundred times over!
Cheers, Manny.
Artie- amazing mass gain!
Chris- Clear decrease in bodyfat alongside large lean gains mean the net weight gain doesn’t tell the whole picture. Great job!!
James- Scrawny to Brawny! Nothing else needs to be said.
Simon- Fantastic leg mass gains.
Mark- Upper body is like night and day.
And as far as the older guys go- Don, Brian and Josh all showed amazing transformations. Don packed on the most mass so he’s got the edge on the other 2 in the end.
All these guys deserve a share of the $, fantastic!!! But if I had to pick one it would be James, because as another poster said, he fulfilled the criteria for this competition the most.
Yeah, sadly I hurt my back right as the program was about to start so I had to modify lower body a lot
Thanks for the compliments!
And yeah – all these guys worked their tails off!
I’m biased, but think Aaron looks great–got himself in good enough shape to be a fitness model. Hey may make it look “easy” but it’s very difficult–and requires an enormous amount of dedication–to put on mass and keep your bodyfat low!!
Voting for Aaron Rodgers!
I have to vote for Brian. He’s worked so hard at this and overcame a lot of ribbing and joking from former colleagues to do so in a very public way.
Thanks, Kim. Nice ribbing pun. lol
Aaron is pumped! my vote goes to him.
Aaron Rodgers.
Points for andrew, terry, and scott for making a front relaxed look good.
Cheers Rishi- lot of practice and plenty of guidance with Jon and Kent!
Appreciate the compliment buddy
Aaron hands down!!!
For me, Brian looks like the guy who sums up what this program’s about. Quite a transformation, and he looks fit and happy too.
Thanks, Daibhi.
I vote for Scott!!!!
I vote for Scott. He packed on an impressive 22 pounds, and he exhibits excellent muscle definition and symmetry. Superb work!
Richard Cisneros
Definitely have to give my vote to Aaron. He looks great!!
Hey our vote is for the Czech – Good work! Martin.
thank you so much Viv!! much appreciated :)
Excuse me – I’m the senior Czech in that list, thank you very much,
not a single vote for Jean-Charles, interesting
It’s cause my name is too hard to spell. ;-)
this is true
Check again, I voted JC to win it all haha
I vote Paul!!!!!!
TERRY for the WIN hands down just look at that body
Hmmm I think my girlfriend may have found me!
Thanks baby!
“I work out… hmmm look at my body!”
Thank you
Hmmm…those look like lyrics from a song?!
I definitely vote for Richard – look at that definition! amazing upper body and core strength, and he did it all while studying full-time/over-time as a PT master’s student. GO Richard!!!!
I vote for Scott!
In my professional opinion as a certified strength & conditioning coach and Holistic Nutritionist, I believe the best combination of success in body building is the sum of lean muscle mass, percent body fat, muscle tone, posture, and relative muscle proportions. Although muscle gains and fat lose are important, they are influenced by individual body chemistry and past workout experience, Between the finalist, I feel that Richard possess the ideal combination the above mentioned attributes to make him the successor.
I vote for Aaron!
My list of 11, in no particular order
As for the biggest transformation; I’ll have to give that to either Mark or Terry. Awesome job everyone!
wow, thanks Artie :)
I vote for Richard!
Scrawny is a state of mind; it’s subjective not objective. So for any contestant, improvement to brawny depends on that person’s frame of reference. One who appears to be fit to begin with, like Aaron, and who likely believes he has much room for improvement, can demonstrate as he has, that commitment to the regimen can have very significant results. Aaron should be the winner.
Aaron looks truly amazing from muscle tone and equal bulk throughout the lower torso!! He truly deserves to win as I know the hard work and dedication he put through this past year!! WAY TO GO!
Adding to both your self image through a year-long commitment as well as improving your physical image takes dedication and determination. Aaron obviously has both, as he made a huge improvement. Aaron has my vote!
Announce the dam winners already!!!
LOL- Don is worried death is setting in, the man is passing by the second.
I vote for Richard Cisneros
vote for JOSH. He really did a good job.
THe one that deserves the prize is JOSH. my vote is for Josh
I vote for JOSH.
Vote for JOSH
THe one that deserves the prize is JOSH. my vote is for Josh
Paul !!
Well, won’t vote for myself ;) , but I’ll go with Simon in the spirit of “Scrawny” to actually brawny… Don, AMAZING job too, just not scrawny to begin with ;)