Scrawny To Brawny

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Why is building muscle so hard for most skinny guys?

And what steps can you take to stand out from the crowd and start building a muscular, athletic body today?

That’s what we’re gonna cover in this five day course.

We’ll break down the muscle-building process and give you the body-changing blueprint, the same blueprint we use with hundreds of guys every year in our Scrawny to Brawny coaching program.

We’ll cover what kinds of foods build muscle and how much to eat.

We’ll go over the best way to work out and even give you a free training program.

And we’ll talk about supplements, the ones that work, and the ones that are a waste of your time.

But before we get into all that, we want to talk about something a little more intangible.

Something you won’t find on fitness blogs, websites, or in muscle magazines.

From our personal experience, we know it’s the biggest thing holding guys back from building the kind of body they want and maybe even changing their life.

We’re talking about The Scrawny Mindset.

The Scrawny Mindset is a way of looking at the world in a way that makes us feel small and stops us from being who we want to be or looking how we want to look.

Skinny or not, most guys are locked in the Scrawny Mindset, following Scrawny habits, and no matter what kind of muscle-building tricks or strategies they learn, they’ll never get the body they want until they break free.

How do you know if you’re in the Scrawny Mindset or following Scrawny Habits? Here are some signs.

  • Feeling average or having a general lack of confidence or purpose
  • Jumping from training program to training program, looking for the perfect one.
  • Starting a new training program or diet — and then quitting or switching to a different one every couple of weeks.
  • Feeling lost or confused, not only about how to get the body you want, but maybe even about your place in the world and what you want to do with your life.

Now, that’s some heavy stuff.

And you may be thinking, just what the hell does any of that have to do with building muscle?

The answer? A lot.

That’s because the things we think and the habits we follow determine what we’ll become.

If we think Scrawny thoughts and follow Scrawny habits, chances are overwhelmingly high that we’ll stay Scrawny forever. Our bodies and our lives will just never be as good as they could be.

But here’s the good news: if thinking and acting Scrawny actually makes us Scrawny, well, then, shouldn’t the reverse also be true?

It is.

And what’s the reverse of Scrawny?

You guessed it: Brawny.

Brawny is muscle, confidence, and assertiveness.

It’s looking how you want to look.

Being who you want to be.

Brawny is about building a muscular body and becoming your own hero.

And if you can think Brawny thoughts and follow Brawny habits, well, then you can become Brawny. You can take more control of your life and build the kind of body you can be proud of.

Now I know all this may sound kind of weird. Maybe even a little out there.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Look, we’ve helped hundreds of guys transform their bodies and lives from scrawny to brawny, and we’ve even done it ourselves.

And all of our transformations began as soon as we stomped out our Scrawny thoughts and habits, and replaced them Brawny thoughts and habits.

And if you want to build a muscular, athletic body, that’s where you need to start, too.

But how exactly do you do that?

Over the next few days we’ll get into specific strategies and introduce you to your new Brawny habits.

But right now, you can do two things to stomp out the Scrawny mindset and prepare yourself for what’s to come.

Number 1: Stop consuming fitness information.

Too much information leads to a paralyzing effect and no real progress. So for the rest of this course, we want you to stop reading muscle magazines, websites, or fitness blogs.

Instead, we want you to pay attention to what we show you here and follow the steps we give you.

The websites and blogs will be there when you get back, and we promise to take care of you in the meantime.

Number 2: Become aware of your thoughts and habits.

What kinds of things to do you think about? What kind of stuff do you do every day?

How often do you think Scrawny thoughts or follow the Scrawny habits the kind that make you feel weak, apathetic, frustrated, or pissed off?

And how often do you think Brawny thoughts or follow Brawny habits? The kind that make you feel confident, strong, energetic, and ready to take on the world?

If you’re like most guys, you’ll have a mixture of both in your head.

We all do.

By the end of this course, though, it’s our goal to have you primarily in the Brawny mindset, the kind that can change the way your body looks and make your life even more successful and rewarding.

So let’s go over your homework one more time.

Number 1: Stop consuming fitness information for the next few days.

Throughout this course, we’ll give you all the tools you need to start building muscle. Stick with us.

Number 2: Become aware of your thoughts and habits.

To help get you in the right frame-of-mind, we have a little cheat sheet for you.

You can find it on the right-hand side of your screen next to this video.

Download it and read it over. Maybe even print it out. It’ll help you make the distinction between “Scrawny thinking” and “Brawny thinking.”

Tomorrow we’re gonna get into the specific habits you can follow to build muscle and transform your life.

And we’re starting with food and the Ultimate Muscle Meal.

It’s one delicious meal with endless variations that is guaranteed to help you pack on muscle.

See you tomorrow.